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We work with our suppliers to meet our sustainability goals

As a company owned primarily by a charitable foundation, it’s important to us to work with people we trust to do the right thing. That’s why our suppliers must comply with our code of conduct and Sedex requirements.

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Responsible supply chain management

We audit our top high-risk suppliers to ensure compliance with fair labour practices as outlined by Sedex guidelines and our own code of conduct. We are also developing an action plan with them to reduce our environmental impact together.

Supplier code of conduct

All Vikan suppliers must sign the Vikan Code of Conduct. The requirements in this Code of Conduct are primarily based on the provisions in UN Global Compact Principle 1-10, the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), and requirements on environment, health and safety, and business ethics.

Supplier Code of conduct


Vikan is a Sedex member ( Sedex provides the world’s largest data platform for supply chain assessment and has extensive guidelines for sustainability practices within labour standards, health and safety, environmental, and business ethics.
All large Vikan suppliers are required to complete a Sedex self-assessment yearly. The Sedex risk assessment tools identify suppliers operating in high-risk environments. Such suppliers are required to have a third-party Sedex audit and must correct eventual findings. In addition, we audit our top suppliers on a regular basis.

Compliance with SMETA

We utilise many SEDEX resources to ensure our working conditions across the globe meet our high standards. We have periodic SMETAs (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audits), where we receive feedback on working conditions throughout our supply chain.

ILO - Ethical Trading Initiative

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has laid out a 9-point code to define and outline ethical labour practices. We comply with (and ensure our suppliers comply with) the ETI Base Code, including fair labour practices, regular employment, and safe working conditions.