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Vikan NA Staff
Vikan NA Staff

Checklist: Cleaning and Sanitizing Considerations

Where do you start when it comes time to build or evaluate a sanitation program for a food plant? With complex rules like the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and CFR Title 21: Food and Drugs, it's helpful to have an idea of what to consider for building an effective plan for cleaning and sanitizing in a food processing facility. Although there's no template for food safety, there are some common considerations when the ultimate goal is to control the population of microbiological organisms.

Download this handy checklist for some ideas of things to consider when building your sanitation program, and you will:

  1. Save time and money by considering several important factors up front
  2. Catch areas in your existing plan that could be improved
  3. Better prepare for agency inspections and documentation requirements

Download this Checklist