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Food-contact compliance

A cornerstone of food safety is the requirement that any plastic cleaning tools likely to come into contact with food and food-contact surfaces must be food-contact compliant. In Europe, this requirement is detailed in EC Regulations 10/2011, 1935/2004, 2023/2006 and 178/2002. In the US, it is covered under the FDA’s CFR Title 21.*

Vikan products designed for use in contact with food and food-contact surfaces live up to these regulations, and the appropriate documentation is readily available on our website.

It is important to note that FDA food-contact compliance alone is not sufficient in the EU. Products must be EU-compliant and may additionally be FDA-compliant.

*Changes to this regulation may occur as a result of the Food Safety Modernization Act

Food grade documentation

Migration testing

To secure food contact compliance in Europe, cleaning tools must undergo rigorous migration testing performed by an independent accredited test laboratory. The tools are tested under different time, temperature, and food type (e.g., acidic, aqueous, fatty) conditions and the testing results are documented in an official Migration Test Certificate. Every Vikan cleaning tool intended for contact with food and food-contact surfaces has passed EU migration testing.

Read more about migration testing in this fact sheet

Declarations of Compliance

Vikan has a legal obligation to use the information in the Migration Test Certificate to produce a Declaration of Compliance, which adheres to all regulatory and auditor requirements.

Declarations of Compliance are available for individual tools and will tell you how the tool was tested and whether there are any restrictions for its use. Declarations of Compliance are available to download from our website in 9 languages.

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Download your Declaration of Compliance

To find the Declaration of Compliance for your tool, start by clicking below.

You can download Declarations of Compliance in two different ways:

  • Go to the product page of the required product, and download single declarations from there. 
    See products
  • Generate a list of several product items, and download all Declarations of Compliance at once. 
    Go to product list

Technical data sheets  

Technical data sheets are also available for all our products. These can also be downloaded from our website and contain additional useful product information, including whether a product is also EU or FDA food-contact compliant.

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In addition to complying with all relevant standards, Vikan maintains an exhaustive library of information about food safety, quality regulations, and standards, and is always eager to share knowledge with our customers. 

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Vikan DoCs 

Vikan Declarations of Compliance(DoC) are your guarantee that Vikan plastic cleaning equipment and food handling tools contain no toxic substances that could contaminate food. Vikan DoCs are clear, easy to read and always up to date.

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Declaration of Compliance

Understanding Declarations of Compliance

Vikan Hygiene and Compliance Manager Stine Bislev explains what a “Declaration of Compliance” is – and how it must include the critical nine points.

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