
Carsten Bo Pedersen
Carsten Bo Pedersen
Managing Director

Satisfaction survey results – and a big ‘Thank you’!

Customer satisfaction is a top priority at Vikan, and every couple of years we put ourselves to the test by asking our customers how they think we’re doing. Our objective in conducting customer satisfaction surveys is to find out what we’re doing right and more importantly where we can improve.

I am very pleased to report that our 2019 survey gave us our highest customer satisfaction scores ever. Before we examine the scores, however, let’s have a look at the survey itself.

2019 Customer Satisfaction Survey

In our 2017 survey, we polled mainly distributors. In 2019, we added many more end users to the survey. This has allowed us to gauge satisfaction among people who actually use our tools along with those who distribute across different markets.

At Vikan, we base our business strategy on a set of customer promises we have defined, including:

  • Right tools for the job
  • Unrivalled quality
  • Food safety & hygiene expertise
  • Innovation

We believe that we provide the greatest value for all our customers when we deliver on these promises – and measuring our success along the way helps keep us on track.
The survey questions were organized around these customer promises, and for each question, participants were asked to indicate how much, on a scale of 1 to 10, they agreed with a given statement.

And the results are…

We converted our results to a standard Customer Loyalty Index and were delighted to see scores that exceeded both our previous performance and the “Great” rating on our loyalty index. Among Vikan distributors and end users we scored an outstanding of 79 and 77 respectively. For our distributors we were up from 75 in 2017.

We are pleased to report that we improved our ratings on all four customer promises. We were especially satisfied by the many positive comments regarding our Site Surveys and on the high quality of our broad range of products.
Whilst these results are good there are areas for improvement. In particular the ease of availability across markets and channels. We will continue to listen to our users and address their needs and requirements in our development of new products.

Thank you!

I would like to thank each of you who responded to the survey. By listening and acting on the input provided we can ensure that we add value to our customers.

As a token of our gratitude to everyone who participated this year, we drew two names, one from our distributors and another from end users and awarded each a new Apple iPad. 
The winners have been contacted.